The David L. Simon Foundation board of Directors entered into a ten year partnership with Midbar Kodesh Temple to build the David L. Simon Foundation Center for Education and Tikkun Olam. The building opened in January 2012.
David L. Simon and Connie Pectol
The David L. Simon Foundation was established by Connie Pectol in memory of David L. Simon in order to make a difference in the world by making significant financial contributions "to promote such qualified charitable objects and purposes that benefit Jewish and/or children's causes as may be determined by the board of trustees, in its discretion, from time to time."
Connie still sits on the board of directors made up of 7 voting members. A junior board was established by was established by Connie to give teenagers experiences and allow them to meet and be mentored by people that would not otherwise have been available to them. It is hoped that this hands-on training enriches their high school and their college experiences.
Past junior board members have gone on to college and graduated with degrees in business, finance and public relations. Two of the junior board members are in their second year of law school, with one recently elected as a voting member. One of the programs the board is currently exploring is to establish a city-wide Jewish teen board that will champion tikkun olam projects.